Border Enforcement: A Necessary Stand Against Illegal Immigration

In the face of an ongoing border crisis, Texas stands at a crossroads. The state is being inundated by illegal immigration that threatens not only our security but also our way of life. It’s time to take decisive action to repel this invasion and deter further illegal entry into our communities.  For too long, inaction at the state level has been excused by officeholders referring to federal jurisdiction, while Texans are placed in harm’s way as a result of the inaction.  Politicians must muster the same resolve they campaign with when they enter office to deliver results.

A Texas Department of Homeland Security

First and foremost, we must establish a Texas Department of Homeland Security dedicated to preventing illegal entry and trafficking. This isn’t just a suggestion; it’s an imperative. This department would focus on deporting illegal aliens back to Mexico or their home nations, restoring order and security to our border.

Why is this necessary? Because the federal government has failed us. As we watch the chaos unfold, it’s clear that Texas cannot rely on Washington’s ineffective policies. A dedicated state agency will ensure that we have the resources and authority to act swiftly against those who violate our laws.  

Zero Tolerance for Illegal Entry Assistance

Furthermore, we must adopt strict measures prohibiting any individual, corporation, non-profit, or government entity from aiding or inciting illegal entry into Texas. This isn’t just about enforcement; it’s about accountability. Mandatory fines and jail time for violators should serve as a stark warning that aiding illegal immigration will not be tolerated.

Imagine the impact of such a policy. No longer will social media platforms serve as breeding grounds for misinformation or encouragement for illegal entry. No longer will organizations undermine the rule of law. It’s time to put an end to this madness.

E-Verify: The Key to Legal Employment

In addition to these measures, we need to implement mandatory E-Verify for all employers in Texas. This system is designed to verify the employment eligibility of workers, and it’s high time we made it a requirement. Business owners who flout this requirement should face significant penalties.

Why should Texas taxpayers bear the burden of illegal employment? Our job market must prioritize legal residents and citizens. By enforcing E-Verify, we not only protect jobs for Texans but also send a clear message: if you want to work in our great state, you must play by the rules.

Ending Subsidies for Illegal Aliens

Lastly, we must end all subsidies and public services for illegal aliens, as well as to NGOs and non-profits who facilitate such activity. This includes the prohibition of in-state college tuition and access to public schools, with the sole exception of emergency medical care. Why should our tax dollars support individuals who have entered our country unlawfully?

Every dollar spent on illegal immigration is a dollar taken away from legal residents. By reallocating these resources, we can better serve our citizens and uphold the integrity of our public services.

The time for action is now. Texas must take a firm stand against illegal immigration with clear, decisive measures. By establishing a Department of Homeland Security, prohibiting assistance to illegal entry, enforcing E-Verify, and ending subsidies for illegal aliens, we can protect our communities and uphold the rule of law. The future of Texas depends on our commitment to enforcing these principles—let’s not wait any longer.