20242026 BYLAWS




The name of the organization is the “Denton County Republican Party Executive Committee” also referred to as the “County Executive Committee,” “CEC” or the “body.”


Advance conservative legislation, laws, principles, and values by growing the local Republican Party, increasing turnout for Republican candidates, and educating voters about the benefits of conservative Republican beliefs.


3.01 Composition. The Denton County Republican Executive Committee is composed of the Denton County Republican County Chair (the “Chair”) and the Denton County Republican Precinct Chairs (“Precinct Chairs”) as defined by the Texas Election Code, (“TEC”). CEC officers, Denton County Republican elected officials, and Republican Party of Texas (“RPT”) elected officials are non-voting ex-officio members of the CEC.

3.02 Powers. The CEC shall exercise those powers and fulfill those duties conferred upon it by the TEC; the Rules of the RPT; these Bylaws, and Standing Rules of the CEC (“Standing Rules”). Any power not enumerated to the Chair, or any other specific party belongs to the CEC.

3.03 Vacancies. The CEC shall fill vacancies in the offices of County Chair and Precinct Chairs as provided by the TEC, these Bylaws, and Standing Rules.

3.04 Fiscal Year. The Executive Committee will operate on a Fiscal year August 1 to July 31 of each year.


4.01 Officers and General Duties. Officers of the County Executive Committee are the County Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Parliamentarian, and Chaplain. Officers perform the duties prescribed by these Bylaws and otherwise directed by the County Chair. The County Chair and subordinate officers are ex-officio members of all committees except the Financial Oversight Committee and any disciplinary-related committee.

4.02 County Chair. In addition to statutory duties, the County Chair makes strategic and tactical decisions to further the Mission as stated in these Bylaws and is generally responsible for the operations of the Denton County Republican Party, subject to any restrictions imposed by these Bylaws or the CEC Standing Rules. The County Chair is a signatory and has authority to act in regard to all CEC financial accounts, contracts, or other vendors. The County Chair shall serve as direct liaison for media inquiries.

4.03 Appointment. The Chair shall nominate the following officers to serve the Executive Committee, subject to ratification by the Executive Committee with quorum and by majority vote.

4.04 First Vice Chair. The First Vice Chair performs the duties of the County Chair when the County Chair is temporarily unavailable. The First Vice Chair has equal access to CEC financial and other accounts where practicable, but authority to commit funds may only be done by delegation from the County Chair.

4.05 Secretary. The Secretary keeps the minutes, attendance, motions and vote counts of the CEC. Additional duties include acting on behalf of the County Chair to accept statutory and other related filings and ensuring compliance with the Texas Election Code. The Secretary shall act on behalf of the Chair to accept candidate filings. The Secretary shall accept directions from the CEC.

4.06 Treasurer. The Treasurer is the custodian of all CEC funds and shall be a signatory to all CEC bank accounts. The Treasurer shall utilize an approved on-line accounting system, supervise bookkeeping, provide complete financial transparency to the CEC, ensure all filings and reports are filed in a timely manner, and prepare an annual budget at the first regular meeting following their appointment. The treasurer shall submit a monthly report categorizing disbursements, receipts and all account balances to the CEC in the call to meeting. Any commitments or expenditures over $5,000 must be approved in advance at a regular meeting of the CEC.

4.07 Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian provides advice to all CEC Members regarding Bylaws, rules, and other matters that are affected by the parliamentary authority of these Bylaws.

4.08 Sergeant at Arms. The Sergeant at Arms maintains order and assists the County Chair with maintaining protocol and decorum at all CEC meetings.

4.09 Chaplain. Arrange for prayers at meetings and events when requested, partner with organizations that protect religious liberty, engage pastors of congregations in elections, and advise County Chair, Officers and Precinct Chairs on any legislation that threatens religious liberty.

4.10 Officer Appointment. Officers are appointed by the County Chair. If any officer position remains vacant for more than 30 days, the CEC may nominate and confirm someone to fill the vacancy. In no case shall the appointments be delayed beyond thirty (30) days and all appointed officers must have affiliated with the party by voting in the last Republican Primary or by Oath. Officers need not be members of the CEC.

4.11 Term. The appointed officers shall serve at the pleasure of the Chair. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chair, the persons holding appointed positions shall serve only until the election of a new County Chair.


5.01 Committees and subcommittees shall have at least 5 members, including the committee chairs.

5.02 County Chair Appointments. The County Chair shall appoint Committee Chair for only the committees listed below. These chairs serve the pleasure of the County Chair. The chairs of each committee shall appoint the subcommittee chairs. The Committee and Subcommittee Chairs shall appoint the committee and subcommittee members.

5.02(a) Fundraising Committee. Continually raise funds to meet or exceed the annual plan of work and budget approved by the CEC. The Fundraising chair will appoint the chairs of two (2) subcommittees. The subcommittee chairs will serve as members of the Fundraising Committee. The two (2) subcommittees are:

Lincoln Reagan Dinner: Oversee all aspects of the planning and execution of the Lincoln Reagan Dinner.

Lincoln Cabinet: Secure at least four (4) meeting locations, speakers, and logistics for Lincoln Cabinet events. Partner with the Executive Director to develop the benefits of members of Lincoln Cabinet.

5.02(b) Financial Oversight Committee. Complete an annual review of financial records to be presented as a report of their findings and recommendations to the CEC each September.

5.02(c) Public Relations Committee. Establish and manage brand identity, promote CEC events, manage the website, utilize social media for promotion of the party, issue press releases, produce a weekly newsletter, update and maintain email distribution list, and other needs related to publicity.

5.02(d) Data Analytics Committee. Collect and analyze data to support strategic initiatives. Update voter contact lists, walk lists, and conduct voter analysis to improve voter data.

5.02(e) Election Integrity Committee. Assist the County Chair with election compliance issues, verify certification of voter machines and confirm other election related regulations are followed. Conduct poll watcher training. Act in an advisory capacity to the Denton County Elections Commission on election issues. Ensure voter rolls are accurate.

5.02(f) Meetings/Special Events Committee. Coordinate with the County Chair and office staff to plan meetings and events dedicated to increasing involvement with the County Party.

5.02(g) Volunteer Committee. Recruit and organize volunteers to help with functions of the party.

5.02(h) Ad hoc Committees. With the approval of the CEC, the County Chair may appoint ad hoc committees to address issues that may arise.

5.03 CEC Appointments. The CEC shall appoint Committee Chairs for the committees listed below. The Committee Chairs shall appoint the committee members and subcommittee chairs. The Committee Chairs can be removed by the CEC.

5.03(a) Precinct Chair Recruitment and Training Committee. Recruit candidates for precinct chair vacancies and vet applicants for appointment consideration by the CEC. Develop training materials and organize training sessions for all precinct chairs.

5.03(b) Resolutions and Rules Committee: Review and assist members with Resolutions, Bylaws and Rules to be presented to the CEC for proper form. Members of the Body that desire to have a resolution or rule change considered at a CEC meeting shall provide said resolution or rule change to the Committee 14 days before the next scheduled meeting of the CEC, except as provided by Rule 6. This committee has no power to prevent a timely filed resolution or rule change provided to the committee from being considered by the CEC.

5.03(c) Voter Outreach Committee. Coordinate with the CEC to organize and mobilize targeted groups of Republican voters to increase turnout.

5.03(d) Public Policy Review Committee. Monitor and report on government policy, and initiate education and advocacy as needed. Build grassroots advocacy to encourage the CEC in supporting bills that address Legislative Priorities of the RPT and principles of the platform. Report local elected officials’ votes on important issues. Provide the opinion of the CEC’s positions to the appropriate level of government. Subcommittees will exist for each level of government.

5.03(e) Candidate Training Committee. Develop Denton County Candidate Academy to assist potential conservative candidates at all levels. Works with the Meeting/Special Events Committee to plan sessions.

5.03(f) Records and Documents Audit Committee. Review of Records of Minutes and Documents. This committee meets in January of each odd-numbered year to review all materials stored or filed at headquarters.

5.04 Notice. All Committee or Subcommittee Chairs shall notify all Executive Committee members of the time, place, and proposed agenda of items to be discussed at any meeting of any committee or subcommittee at least two (2) days in advance. Notification may be posted on the DCRP website or sent via electronic communication.


6.01 Electronic Meetings: In the event of a stated emergency, as declared by the County
Chair, a CEC Meeting may be conducted through use of electronic meeting services designated
by the County Chair.

6.02 Regular Business Meetings. The CEC shall convene a minimum of eight (8) monthly regular business meetings per year and shall be scheduled by the County Chair with the approval of the CEC. Approval or change by the CEC may be obtained during any Special Meeting or any Regular Business Meeting or through electronic voting using email sent by the Chair or under the Chair’s direction to voting members of the CEC.

6.03 Special Meetings. Special Meetings of the Executive Committee may be held at any time upon a written call issued by the Chair by mail or email, or a written call signed by twenty percent (20%) or more of members of the CEC in office at the time of signing the call.

6.04 Emergency Meetings. Emergency Meetings of the CEC to consider items that are time sensitive may be held when an item that requires the consent of the CEC by a deadline contained in the TEC, RPT, or other regulatory body. A call to an Emergency Meeting shall be issued by the Chair by email, or a written call signed by twenty percent (20%) or more of members of the CEC in office at the time of signing the call.

6.05 Organizational Meeting. An organizational meeting of each new CEC shall be held within forty-five (45) days after the term of office begins for the Chair and Precinct Chairs. Proposed Bylaws, Standing Rules, and meeting call shall be mailed or emailed, and posted on the Party website at least seven (7) days beforehand.

6.06 Notice of Meetings.

6.06(a) Regular Business Meetings. All members shall be notified of the time, place, and proposed agenda of items to be discussed at least ten (10) days prior to the date they are to be held. Notification may be mailed or emailed to each member of the Executive Committee.

6.06(b) Special Meetings. Any calls must be delivered to the Secretary at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date specified in the call for the meeting. The call and notice must contain the time and place of the Special Meeting, together with the proposed agenda of specific items and the text of any resolutions to be considered. At least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting, notice of the call containing the information required by these Bylaws shall be mailed or emailed to each member of the Executive Committee.

6.06(c) Emergency Meetings. Any calls for an Emergency Meeting must be delivered to the Secretary at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the date and time specified in the call for the meeting. The call and notice must contain the time and place of the Emergency Meeting, together with the proposed agenda of specific items and the text of any resolutions to be considered. At least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date and time of the Emergency Meeting, notice of the call containing the information required by these Bylaws shall be emailed to each member of the Executive Committee.

6.06 Quorum – Non-Statutory Business and Filling Vacancies. At CEC meetings, one quarter (1/4) of the membership, excluding vacancies, shall constitute a quorum for conduct of non-statutory business and filling vacancies.

6.07 Quorum – Statutory Business. At CEC meetings, a quorum for the conduct of statutory business shall consist of those members present.


7.01 Headquarters shall provide reasonable access for any Precinct Chair to examine all financial documents of the Executive Committee. Examinations must take place at Headquarters and no documents and/or electronic copies are to be taken or removed from the Headquarters.


8.01 Authority. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern all proceedings of the Executive Committee and its committees except where inconsistent with the provisions of the Bylaws of this organization, Texas Election Code, and/or RPT rules.


9.01 Amendment Procedure. These Bylaws may be amended at any regular business meeting of the Executive Committee by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members present which must represent one quarter of the total membership of the Executive Committee; provided written notice to amend has been given at the previous regular business meeting and also given in the notice of the call of the meeting.


10.01 Banking Transition. When transitioning to a newly elected or appointed County Chair, the Officers of the Executive Committee are expressly authorized to complete all documents required by any financial institution to authorize the newly elected or appointed County Chair and designee allowing said County Chair and designee to become a signer on all the Denton County Republican Party bank accounts effective upon said County Chair officially taking office.

10.02 Officer and Committee Transition. All outgoing officers and committee chair shall provide files and accounts, both written and electronic, keys, all CEC related property, contracts and passwords to their respective replacements or the County Chair no later than ten (10) days after they vacate office or the organizational meeting,




a. Memorials for deaths and family tragedies shall be sent as follows: if death or family tragedies occur to Headquarters volunteers, Party officials, Precinct Chairs, elected officials, or their immediate family, and the family has requested memorials to a specific charity, or flowers may be sent with $150.00 limit. In cases of serious illness, flowers/gifts may be sent within the same guidelines.

b. All monies expended for memorials shall be limited to Republican- related groups, as herein before named.

c. All monies expended for non-memorial donations shall be limited to Republicans and approved by the CEC during a regular meeting.


The Executive Committee will distribute funds, via the appropriate DCRP PAC, to Republican candidates only in GENERAL elections to candidates with viable opposition. Funds will be given in an amount to be determined by the Executive Committee and ONLY if previously placed on an agenda and approved by the Committee with 2/3 of the CEC present at a standard regular meeting.


a. Precinct Chairs, and others approved by the County Chair, shall be given instructions on how to access the GOP Data Center for their walk lists, precinct voting data, etc. Precinct Chairs must allow a maximum of five (5) days upon request for the precinct walk list to be provided by the Data Analytics Committee.

b. Denton County Elections Administration Voter Database resources shall be made available to Precinct Chairs.

  2. Republican candidates, clubs, senatorial district convention committees, and DCRP committees (via a member of the CEC) may have meetings at headquarters but must schedule such meetings with the Headquarters Staff.
  3. Anyone or any group using Headquarters must designate a member of the CEC responsible for “lockup and cleanup.”


  1. Signs and materials for Republican candidates will become the property of DCRP and as such may be used or discarded at its discretion if left at Headquarters for more than sixty (60) days following the relevant election.
  2. All party related black and white photocopies over 20 pages are $0.10 per page and color copies are $0.40 per page over 10 pages for CEC members only per week.
  3. For larger general records requests, the requester shall provide an electronic means for transfer. Physical electronic media must be new in the package.
  5. To avoid any appearance of conflict of interest or favoritism, neither the DCRP County Chair nor paid staff may manage or be paid for work on any campaign, volunteer on a campaign or endorse in their official Denton County GOP capacity in any Primary candidate’s campaign. b. DCRP paid staff shall remain neutral in intraparty contests while on the clock.

In case of a time sensitive issue (less than 14 days before the next CEC meeting), a Precinct Chair may submit a resolution by providing a copy to all Executive Committee members 24 hours prior to the Executive Committee meeting. A 2/3 vote is required to take up the item and a super majority 2/3 vote is required to pass an item submitted in less than 14 days.

  2. Any events to be listed on the calendar must be for Republican/Conservative organizations unless approved by the Public Relations Committee with the right of appeal of the Executive Committee.
  3. All official DCRP electronic communications, including website information, must first be approved by the County Chair, Executive Director, or Public Relations Committee Chair.
  4. The Public Relations Committee Chair, with approval from the County Chair or Executive Director, reserves the right to edit and/or delete substantive content on DCRP website including any official social media. Clerical errors may be corrected by staff as needed.
  5. CommunicationsmayincludethetextofresolutionspassedbytheExecutive Committee, as well as links or analysis of the voting records or official actions of elected officials whose jurisdiction includes territory within Denton County.
  6. Communication of any kind with the media on behalf of the Executive Committee is restricted to the County Chair and/or Public Relations Committee Chair. All speaking/interview requests should be addressed to the County Chair, or the Public Relations Committee Chair, who maintains a database of current contacts.

The committee shall develop a questionnaire to be completed in addition to the Precinct Chair vacancy application which shall include among other matters, voting history, Republican activities, candidate support, felony convictions, and campaign contributions. The process for reviewing and acting upon applications for a vacant Precinct Chair office is as follows:

  1. Upon submission of an application, staff verifies the Precinct is vacant, verifies GOP Primary
    voting history or affidavit of affiliation, and verifies voter registration address with Denton County Elections.


  1. If Applicant is determined qualified, the application, questionnaire, and voting history are sent to the Precinct Chair Recruitment and Training Committee. If not qualified, the applicant is notified via email by the committee that includes the reason(s) they were not qualified.
  2. The Applicant is invited to a meeting for interview with the Precinct Chair Recruitment and Training Committee held prior to the following CEC meeting. If the applicant cannot attend the interview within 30 days, the committee may deny the application. In this case, the applicant may reapply after 90 days. The committee shall present a report that contains a brief synopsis of the interview and relevant facts relating to the applicant. The report shall be sent out to the CEC in the next Call to Meeting Packet for voting at the next CEC meeting.
  3. In the case of two or more qualified applicants for a vacant Precinct Chair office, the candidates will be notified that they are in a contested race for the office, and they will have two minutes to speak at the next CEC meeting. An election will then be held amongst the CEC present using secret ballots to fill the vacancy. Applicants for a vacant Precinct Chair office shall close twelve (12) days prior to the next Regular CEC. Notice of the election for the contested Precinct Chair office will be included in the CEC Meeting Agenda.

A Precinct Chair desiring to resign shall submit their resignation in writing to the County Chair and is effective upon receipt by the County Chair. The County Chair shall email all resignations to the CEC immediately.


The County Chair, Officers and Precinct Chairs shall take the following oath: “I          ,
do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of

_______ , of the State of Texas, County of Denton. I will only support the Republican
Party and the principles of the Republican Party of Texas. I will vote in the Republican primary and vote for the Republican candidates in the General Election, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the Great State of Texas, so help me God.”


The agenda for any meetings of the Executive Committee shall be as follows:

–    Pre meeting introductions and Social Hour host

  1. Convene
  2. Opening Ceremonies (i.e., prayer, pledges, inspirational, first-time guests)
  3. Roll Call and Call to Order
  4. Reading and Approval of the Minutes
  5. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees
  6. Reports of Special Committees
  7. Special Orders
  8. Unfinished Business and General Orders
  9. New Business
  10. Program
  11. Announcements
  12. Adjournment


–     An agenda item may be omitted if the item will not be undertaken at a particular meeting.

  2. Members are elected officials and shall conduct themselves in a manner befitting an elected office.

−   Members shall refrain from personal moral defamatory attacks on each other on forms of communication shared among the body.

−   Members are responsible for maintaining appropriate decorum at the polls and ensuring volunteers are held to the same standard while working for DCRP or Republican


− Members shall not make formal complaints to facilities used for meetings/special events.

−   Attendance is required and CEC members should strive for at least 80% of all CEC meetings.

− All Precinct Chairs shall serve on at least 1 committee and represent DCRP at a minimum of 1 event per year.

−   Precinct Chairs are expected to attend Precinct Chair Training once per term.

−   Violations of this code may result in censure.

  1. Meetings

−   Silence your electronic devices − Be on time

−   Only address the chair

−   Speak only when you have the floor (exception for interrupting motions)

−   Stay on topic

−   Follow any time limits in place

− Attack issues, not other members

− Do not use profane language

−   Clean up after yourself

−   Violations of this code may result in expulsion from the meeting where the conduct occurred.

  2. Whenever possible, there should be a minimum of two people at Headquarters at all times.
  3. If, for any reason, there is cause for concern, do not hesitate to call emergency 911. If Police are called and the Executive Director is not involved, contact the Executive Director and the County Chair.
  4. Change locks, passwords, pins, and other forms of electronic access whenever anyone with a key ceases employment or is no longer associated with the Headquarters office.
  5. Interior offices should be locked when not in use. Voter, candidate, employee, and any documents containing personal information must be secure and available only to the Executive Director, County Chair, and their designees.



The following staff members and volunteers may be selected and terminated at the discretion of

the County Chair:

  1. Executive Director
  2. Headquarters staff members
  3. Staff Assistant – possible volunteer position
  4. Primary Elections Administrator
  5. Political Action Committee (PAC)/ FEC and TEC Treasurer
  6. Operations Manager
  7. Volunteer Coordinator (volunteer)

Paid staff members will retain their positions at the end of a County Chair’s term unless terminated by the incoming County Chair. Volunteer staff members are automatically terminated at the end of a County Chair’s term unless re-appointed by the incoming County Chair.

  1. AREA LEADERS role will include:

Area Leaders will motivate, train and implement the mission of the CEC. They will be selected by the precinct chairs in each area and shall be elected at the first CEC meeting following the organizational meeting. Areas will be defined by geographic area.

− Argyle/Bartonville/Copper Canyon/Double Oak – Precincts 3156, 3157, 4197, 4198, 4206,

4207, 4182, 4183, 4199, 4200, 4201, 4202, 4203

− Carrollton (East)/Plano/Dallas – Precincts 2091, 2093, 2097, 2098, 2099, 2100, 2101,

2102, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2107

− Carrollton (West) – Precincts 2108, 2109, 2110, 2111, 2112, 2113, 2114, 3115, 3116

− Corinth/Shady Shores/Hickory Creek/Lake Dallas/Highland Village – Precincts 2071,

2072, 2073, 2074, 3152, 3153, 3154, 3155, 3158, 3159, 3160

− Denton (One) – Precincts 2069, 2070, 4043, 4163, 4165, 4166, 4167

− Denton (Two) – Precincts 1056, 1057, 1058, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1066,

2067, 4168, 4171, 4174

− Denton (Three) – Precincts 1059, 4169, 4170, 4173, 4175, 4176, 4177, 4178, 4187, 4189

− Denton (Four) – Precincts 4161, 4162, 4164, 4179, 4180, 4181, 4184, 4185, 4186

− Flower Mound – Precincts 3138, 3139, 3140, 3141, 3142, 3143, 3144, 3145, 3146, 3147,

3148, 3149, 3150, 3151, 4204, 4205, 4208

− Frisco (North)/Prosper – Precincts 1016, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1032, 1033,

1036, 1037, 1039

− Frisco (South) – Precincts 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1029, 1172, 2080, 2082,

2083, 2089

−     Justin/Northlake/ Fort Worth (West) – Precincts 4194, 4195, 4196, 4216, 4217, 4218,

4219, 4220, 4221, 4222, 4223

− Krum/Ponder – Precincts 1000, 1001, 4188, 4190, 4191, 4192, 4193

− Lewisville (East)/Coppell – Precincts 2094, 2095, 2096, 3117, 3118, 3119, 3120, 3121,

3122, 3123, 3124, 3125


− Lewisville (West) – Precincts 3126, 3127, 3128, 3129, 3130, 3131, 3132, 3133, 3134, 3135, 3136, 3137

− Little Elm (East) – Precincts 1028, 1030, 1031, 1034, 1035, 1038, 1040, 1041, 1042, 2076, 2077

− Little Elm (West)/Oak Point – Precincts 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1051, 1052, 1053, 2075, 1049, 1050

− Pilot Point/Aubrey/Krugerville/Crossroads/Providence Village/Celina – Precincts 1008,

1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1054, 1055, 1224, 1225, 2068

−   Roanoke/Trophy Club/Southlake/Fort Worth (East) – Precincts 4209, 4210, 4211, 4212, 4213, 4214, 4215, 4226

−     Sanger – Precincts 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007

− The Colony – Precincts 2078, 2079, 2084, 2085, 2086, 2087, 2088, 2090, 2092

  1. Communicate and follow up with all Precinct Chairs assigned to their Area on activities and opportunities that help grow the party. Encourage Precinct Chair participation in CEC activities and events.
  2. Hold quarterly meetings, at a minimum, with all Precinct Chairs in their Area to communicate important information, coordinate campaign activities (such as block walking, phone banking and text messaging), share ideas, and promote teamwork.
  3. Area Leaders are responsible for reporting the success of Precinct Chairs in their area.
  4. Identify potential assistants, election judges and clerks and pass that information on to the Volunteer Committee.
  5. Coordinate the party building activities in precincts assigned to their area under guidance of the Voter Outreach Committee.
  6. Coordinate distribution of campaign materials such as door hangers, yard signs, and voter canvassing supplies and assist in establishing the quantity of such materials appropriate for each precinct in their area.
  7. Maintain periodic communication of upcoming activities with all identified Republican activists in your assigned area.
  8. Area Leaders must have at least 2 years experience as a Republican Precinct Chair and live within the area assigned at time of appointment.
  9. Area Leaders will meet as a group for quarterly coordination meetings.
  11. The chair shall be available at least 4 hours per business day during the last 7 days of a filing period.
  12. The chair shall process candidate applications within 24 hours during the last 7 days of filing of a filing period.
  13. The chair shall notify (by both email and phone) any candidate of any defects in their application within 30 minutes of discovery.


The CEC may endorse Republican candidates in any election only by a formal request submitted by a Precinct Chair to the party Secretary prior to any CEC meeting, endorsements will be approved by a 2⁄3 majority vote of the CEC members present.


At an organizational meeting of the CEC, after the approval of the Bylaws, the CEC Officers, Committee Chairs and Precinct Chairs, including those appointed after the application deadline, shall be selected, seated and sworn so that the CEC may immediately be at full strength and begin preparation for a successful general election.

  2. The Secretary or Executive Director shall keep an accurate record of the minutes and shall receive and retain copies of all DCRP Records.
  3. Any Executive Committee Member shall have the right to inspect any DCRP records (financial, etc.) in the presence of the County Chair or the Chair’s representative.
  4. Committee reports, resolutions, or any other documents presented or referenced in each respective Executive Committee meeting shall be made available to members of the CEC on demand. Additionally, the Secretary or Executive Director shall maintain current lists of the Executive Committee members (attendance sheets), Officers, and Standing and Temporary Committee members.
  5. Copies of all documents referred to in this paragraph shall be kept with each respective Executive Committee meeting in a binder at County Headquarters, a copy of which shall be furnished to members of the Executive Committee upon request. A duplicate binder shall be kept by the Secretary or Executive Director.
  6. The Secretary or Executive Director shall record any amendments to the minutes on a blank page opposite the Article amended, with reference to the date and page of the minutes where it was recorded.