by Denton County Republican Party | Sep 28, 2023 | U.S. Congress
From Congressman Jackson’s office: “The radical Democrats in the House were dead set on overturning my amendment in the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act to block the DoD’s illegal policy of taxpayer-funded abortions in the military. Thankfully, that...
by Denton County Republican Party | Sep 28, 2023 | 88th Legislation, Texas State Representative
Texas voters will head to the polls on Tuesday, November 5th to vote on 14 proposed Constitutional Amendments offered by the Texas Legislature. Below is a drop-down menu with analysis for each proposition on the ballot this fall. For election information, go to the...
by Denton County Republican Party | Sep 25, 2023 | U.S. Congress
It has been a busy two weeks back in session. Thank you for following along on my journey in Congress. I am committed to representing the great patriots of Texas’ Thirteenth Congressional District here in Washington. Before government funding runs out on October...
by Denton County Republican Party | Sep 18, 2023 | Texas State Representative
STATEMENT ON PAXTON IMPEACHMENT RESULTS Political courage is in short supply. During the impeachment trial of Attorney General Ken Paxton, the prosecution proved the following: 1. Ken Paxton hand-selected lifelong movement conservatives and a Hall of Fame Texas...
by Denton County Republican Party | Sep 12, 2023 | U.S. Congress
It’s hard to believe that the August district work period is coming to a close. My staff and I have taken advantage of this time by getting to work all over Texas’ Thirteenth Congressional District hosting various town halls, taking tours, arranging...
by Denton County Republican Party | Sep 11, 2023 | Texas State Governor
It was a short-lived victory for the federal government over Texas’ anti-migrant border buoys. The day after U.S. District Judge David Ezra ordered the removal of the 1,000 foot string of buoys, the conservative Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an emergency stay....