Meet Tan Parker

Experience Over the course of working for the people of House District 63, State Representative Tan Parker, our Republican nominee for Senate District 12, has accomplished great results for the betterment of our state through common-sense conservative principles that...

Meet Evelyn Brooks

Experience Evelyn Brooks has an extensive background in educating and developing future leaders in today’s youth using a biblical worldview that challenges young people to think independently, self-governance, and a love for people. She has taught, tutored,...

Meet Richard Hayes

My name is Richard Hayes. I am working to earn your support for the Texas House of Representatives in Denton County House District 57. The three leading reasons to vote for me are I will be more effective for the people of House District 57 because of my professional...

Meet Juli Luke

About Me I am a 53-year-old mother of 5 beautiful daughters and Mimi to 5 wonderful grandchildren.  I believe in raising strong, independent, conservative young ladies and strive to set that example for them.  My passion for public service and wanting to make the...

Meet Alan Wheeler

About Me I am 41 years old and have lived in Denton County since 2009. I received my undergraduate degree from Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas and my Law Degree from the University of Arkansas-Little Rock. I moved to Denton County the day after I graduated...