You can be a delegate to the Republican State Convention!

What is the Republican State Convention?
It’s a place for people who vote in the Republican Primary election to define our shared beliefs and to determine how we will promote them. We do this by creating a platform and by setting rules and electing people to run the party between conventions.

Who can attend the Republican State Convention?
Anyone who is a registered voter, who has affiliated with the Republican Party, either by voting in the Party Primary or by taking an oath of affiliation, and has been duly elected by the lower level conventions. You can affiliate with the Republican Party by voting in the Republican Primary Election or by taking an oath of affiliation. You can only affiliate with one party during each election year.

What is a delegate ?
Delegates are grassroots Republicans who participate in the shaping of the Republican Party, its role, and its direction regarding public policy. They volunteer and are chosen by their districts to attend the party’s conventions in each even-numbered year.

Step 1: Precinct Conventions
When and where: Your 2020 Precinct Convention will be held sometime after the polls close on Primary Election Day
(March 3, 2020) and before the start of the County/Senate District Conventions (March 21, 2020). Please check with your
local Republican County Chair for the most up to date information. (See

What to expect: If you are a registered voter and affiliate with the Republican Party, you can participate in this convention.
You can introduce and vote on resolutions. Then elect delegates and alternates to the next convention level.

Step 2: County / Senate District Conventions
When and where : Your County or SD Convention will be held on March 21, 2020. Your county party sets the location and time.

What to expect: In the days or weeks before the convention, you can visit committee meetings and let them know what
issues are important to you. At the convention, you’ll set the rules by which the convention will operate. You will be able to
vote on resolutions the committees have worked on. Then you’ll elect delegates and alternates to the state convention

Step 3: State Convention
When and where : This convention will be held in Houston from May 11th-16th. Committees will meet May 11th-13th.
General Session and Caucuses will meet May 14th-16th. Please check for convention details.

What to expect: You will be able to testify before the committees on issues you care about, vote on the platform that will
state the beliefs of the Party, vote on the rules that will steer the Party, and elect people to run the Party for the next two

Why become a delegate to the Republican State Convention?
Because you will have an instrumental role in shaping the beliefs of the Party and determining the methods of implementation in public policy.