Denton County Precinct Chairs have a duty to support the Party’s eight Legislative Priorities. But support is so much more than just “being in favor of” each priority. Our duties also include educating ourselves and our constituents about the status/progress of each priority during the current legislative session. Additionally, we must model leadership by being active and encouraging our constituents to be active in influencing our elected officials to promote the legislative priorities and thanking them when they do.


Education / Tools

Many Precinct Chairs (and people in general) don’t advocate for what they believe in simply due to a lack of tools and/or education.  The DCRP Legislative Priorities Committee cannot reach everyone’s circle of influence so we are providing you with the basic information that will enable you to do what you committed to do.

The Committee has partnered with the Denton County Conservative Coalition (“D3C”) and its efforts to promote the Party’s Legislative Priorities. D3C previously launched a fantastic website covering the priority to Ban Democrat Chairs and intends to launch additional pages to help educate everyone on the remaining priorities. Be sure to visit and promote the D3C website to your constituents as D3C adds more tools.

Our very own SD 12 SREC Committeewoman, Jill Glover, is intimately familiar with the Legislative Priorities and routinely provides updates that you can use and pass along to your constituents. Visit #TXLEGE on the Texas GOP website for basic information and frequent updates to approved bills that promote the priorities and talking points you and your constituents can use when contacting our representatives.

To get even more detailed information and see the actual text of the bills as they are drafted and a wealth of other information, visit the Texas Legislature Online. Anyone can use this information to target specific language for improvement and have credible and meaningful conversation with our representatives.

If either of these websites look a little overwhelming at first glance, don’t get discouraged. Jill Glover helped produce a short video that will make it super easy for you to quickly do some research and become well informed.

Step Up

Now that you have the basic tools and information you need to take action, it is time for you to lead your community and truly have an impact toward our Legislative Priorities. Time is limited as there are bill filing deadlines in early March so don’t wait. Together, we can win!