My wife, Susan, and I have lived in Denton County for a total of 30 years, and we raised our children
here. I’ve been a public servant for over 11 years, serving as Mayor of Carrollton most recently. I’m
excited about the possibility to continue serving Denton County residents in the role of County
Commissioner, Precinct 2, to make this the best county in America!


I want to cut our tax burden on Denton County residents. I’m proud that as an elected official, I’ve
NEVER voted for a tax rate increase, and, in Carrollton, we’ve cut tax rates eight years in a row and have
reduced debt by 20% in ten years. Fiscal responsibility and transparency are key to making sure that our
citizen’s dollars are used in the most efficient and effective way possible.


I want Denton County to be safe! Our most important job as elected officials is public safety, and I’m
proud that in my years of service in Carrollton, we reduced crime by as much as 40%. We must make
sure that Sheriff Murphree has the resources he needs to protect us and those who can’t protect
themselves in Denton County.


We must reduce traffic and congestion in Denton County. We’re fortunate that we are experiencing
such rapid growth in Denton County, but that means more cars on our roads and people using the
infrastructure. We have to build and maintain the infrastructure necessary to keep that positive growth
possible. I have years of experience in this area as a member of the Regional Transportation Council
from 2017-2022.