Today, I am joining my colleagues in the legislature for an immediate special session to continue the debate on two important topics:

  • Providing property tax relief directly to Texans
  • Stepping up our state’s enforcement effort against human trafficking on the border

The special session comes after one of my most-successful legislative terms since becoming a State Representative. I am grateful to my colleagues for helping secure important victories on legislation I carried this session. There is a recap of some of those victories below.

When you elected me to serve as your State Representative, I made a promise to work hard for the solutions to our state’s greatest problems. And when we fail to deliver those solutions, it is incumbent upon lawmakers to return to or stay in Austin until that business is concluded. The Governor late Monday officially called a special session to specifically work on legislation to address property tax relief by maximizing the local compressed tax rate for school districts and increasing the penalties for human trafficking and smuggling.

You can read the full bill by clicking HERE