HB 2501 would proactively prohibit non-profit organizations and state associations that work with school boards from providing any training or instruction to public school boards if that organization or association has adopted as part of its mission statement a concept that is statutorily prohibited.  School boards and teachers are being indoctrinated. Sadly, the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) in their recently updated guidance entitled “Legal Issues Related to Transgender Students” is clearly promoting dangerous “woke” federal policy.  One need look no further than the closing paragraph of the guidance where they suggest a solution where district employees use a student’s preferred name at school but their legal name in communications with the student’s parents. A plain reading of the text shows there is no legal basis for this advisement, yet TASB is promoting inexcusable policies that undermine families, parental rights, and the importance of parental involvement.

HB 3082 – “Conscientious Objection by Pharmacists” protects the rights of pharmacists to not be required to dispense or sell specific drugs or products that would be against their religious beliefs or moral convictions.  Additionally, it would prohibit the Texas State Pharmacy board from punishing or retaliating against a pharmacist who exercises their rights, and provides that the Attorney General may take action for violations of this right.

HB 4689 – The Little Elm Economic Development Corporation asked me to help them qualify under Chapter 351 of the Tax Code so they can use the Hotel Occupancy Tax collected in their area for future improvements and Economic Development.

HB 4712 – Helps address the burden of proof in a lawsuit or administrative hearing related to Public Beaches and private property.  It is important that we continue to recognize the long-held tradition of access to beaches in our state (i.e. Public Beaches), while also recognizing the rights of private property owners.  and the time and cost of recovery efforts.  Many beachfront property owners have experienced firsthand the unique challenges presented following significant damage due to significant meteorological events like hurricanes and their need to repair and restore the property they own. We are working with Senator Mayes Middleton (who is addressing this issue in the Senate) and the General Land Office to find the right balance in addressing these issues.

HB 2323 will help commemorate the 100th anniversary of the writing of our state song, Texas, Our Texas, by making it the standard issue license plate during the calendar years 2024 – 2029. The music for Texas, Our Texas was written by William J. Marsh, the lyrics were written by Marsh and Fort Worth native Gladys Yoakum Wright in 1924. They entered Texas, Our Texas into a contest issued by Governor Pat M. Neff to pick the Official State Song.  After an arduous process, Texas, Our Texas was ultimately selected as the winner and formally adopted as the State Song by the State Legislature in 1929.  Special thanks to constituent, recently retired Justice of the Peace, and candidate for Denton City Council District 4 Joe Holland for his suggestion on commemorating this 100th anniversary.