Hello Friends,

On Wednesday the Texas Legislature kicked off the second special session, which is focused on passing legislation that will provide property tax relief for Texans. Unfortunately, time ran out during the first special session to finalize a plan with the House, but we returned the next day and got straight to work.

The Senate refiled and passed a property tax plan that will provide Texans with $18 billion in property tax relief, which is $400 million more than previous plans. SB 1 and SJR 1 will give Texans the largest property tax cut in history! This plan:
  • Provides homeowners with record-breaking property tax savings by raising the homestead exemption to $100,000. This will result in an average savings of $1270 for those under 65 and $1450 for those over 65.
  • Compresses school taxes from 2.5% to 1.75%, resulting in a 30% permanent reduction in future tax levy increases paid by taxpayers.
  • Doubles the franchise tax deduction for businesses to $2.47 million, exempting 67,000 small to medium-sized businesses from paying the franchise tax.
    • The plan also removes the requirement to file a No-Tax Due franchise tax return, saving businesses time and money.
  • Provides our hard-working teachers with a pay raise. Over the next two years, teachers in urban districts will receive a $2,000 pay increase, and teachers in rural districts will receive a $6,000 pay increase.
Click Here To Watch My Capitol Update Video
This Tuesday is the 4th of July and I would like to thank all of our veterans who have served and made sacrifices in order to defend our freedom. We would not be the nation we are today without America’s heroes. I hope that everyone has a wonderful 4th of July celebrating our great nation!

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me and my office if there is ever anything that I can help you with.

God Bless,

Senator Drew Springer