I have great news! Governor Abbott has officially signed the two property tax relief bills into law. SB 2 and SB 3 provide Texans with an $18 billion property tax relief plan – the largest property tax relief cut in history!
The plan saves homeowners 41.5% by cutting M&O school taxes by 10.7 cents and through increasing the homestead exemption to $100,000 and $110,000 for seniors. This will save the average homeowner $1,300 and senior $1,450. Businesses will also see more savings as the plan saves businesses 23% on their M&O school taxes, doubles the franchise tax exemption, eliminates the need to file a no-tax due franchise tax return, and implements a 3-year pilot program that will limit appraisal value increases at 20%.
This November property tax relief will be on the ballot as a constitutional amendment, just like past homestead exemption increases. If the constitutional amendment passes, homeowners will see the homestead exemption and school tax rate reduction in effect for the next round of property taxes due for the 2023 tax year, which for homeowners is typically paid by Jan 31, 2024.
Grayson GOP Freedom picnic
Last Saturday, I had a great time at the Grayson County GOP Freedom Picnic! I appreciate Robin Phillips, Joe Brown, and all the volunteers who worked so hard to put the picnic together. We enjoyed delicious fish, great music, and fun games. Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Grayson County GOP!
Sheriff’s Association of Texas Conference
On Monday, I attended the Sheriffs’ Association of Texas Conference and received the Texas Legislative Leadership Award for my bill, Senate Bill 22, which establishes a grant program to provide financial assistance to qualified law enforcement offices in 236 rural Texas counties. This law will ensure that we have consistent quality law enforcement across Texas. I’m thankful for the Sheriffs’ Association’s support and for everything they do to keep the Great State of Texas safe and secure.
Help Support My Reelection Campaign
It truly is an honor to represent you in the Texas Senate, and I hope to continue doing so next session. Your support has been vital in helping me defend our conservative values at the Texas Capitol. Can you help ensure I have the resources necessary to run for reelection by contributing to my campaign? Your donation of $10, $50, or even $100 could make a tremendous difference.
Join True Texas Project activists from all over the state in Austin for weekly legislative activity. TTP activists will spend the day promoting our priority legislation and fighting against the
Event Details
Join True Texas Project activists from all over the state in Austin for weekly legislative activity. TTP activists will spend the day promoting our priority legislation and fighting against the Bad Bills!
When you arrive at the Capitol, you’ll meet up with Fran Rhodes, TTP President, and receive assignments for the day. Those might include talking to key lawmakers or their staff about specific issues/bills; testifying at committee hearings (if you’re up for it), registering for or against bills at the kiosks, distributing position papers to lawmakers, or writing cards to committee members.
We will be at the Capitol EVERY TUESDAY, and other days as the schedule demands. You can join us as many weeks as you want. Get some other folks in your area to go with you in a carpool (we reimburse 20 cents/mile for carpools), or come by yourself and meet up with others at the Capitol.
Specific plans are always subject to change based on what’s happening in the legislature at that time. Watch for details in Fran’s Friday Messages, and on the TTP Citizen Advocate Chat group in Facebook.
Questions? Reach out to Fran Rhodes, fran@truetexasproject.com
The Texas Strong Republican Women social times starts at 11:30AM and the program at noon. Michael Roehrs will be speaking on Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin.
Event Details
The Texas Strong Republican Women social times starts at 11:30AM and the program at noon. Michael Roehrs will be speaking on Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin.