Dear Republican Family,

July 4th is a great time to show your patriot pride and get our positive message out in your community!! There are several parades you can participate in with us! If your city is not listed on our calendar, let us know, we will try to help you get folks to participate with you!

I hope each one of you is connected to your Precinct Chairman! The Precinct Chair is the central manager for the smallest unit in the Republican Party. There are 185 currently in Denton County with each having 5000 registered voters or less. Their primary job is to maximize the Republican vote in your Precinct. Go to to see who your Precinct Chairman is.

CPAC-Texas is in Dallas July 9-11. This Conservative Political Action Conference is the largest and most influential gathering of conservatives in the world. Launched in 1974, CPAC brings together hundreds of conservative organizations, thousands of activists, millions of viewers, and the best and brightest leaders in the world. Go to for information and tickets!

Working TOGETHER works!!
Jayne Howell
DCRP Chairwoman