by Denton County Republican Party | Jul 10, 2023 | 88th Legislation, Texas State Representative
An Update From The Southern Border When I first entered the Texas House, Texas was spending about $500 million each biennium on border security. In fact, Governor Abbott was the first governor in Texas history to have dollars allocated for this purpose. Over the past...
by Denton County Republican Party | Jul 10, 2023 | 88th Legislation, Texas State Representative
Legislative Victories in the 88th Regular Session Jul 7 Dr. Lynn Stucky has built a reputation in the Texas Capitol as someone who is smart, thoughtful, and capable of accomplishing major victories for his constituents and the state at-large. In the 88th Regular...
by Denton County Republican Party | Jun 16, 2023 | 88th Legislation, Texas State Representative
What you should know about the Paxton Impeachment I realize some folks may not find the time to read the information contained in this email. However, with an issue as important as the impeachment of a statewide officeholder, I feel it’s important to send out as...
by Denton County Republican Party | Jun 14, 2023 | 88th Legislation, Texas State Representative
EXCLUSIVE PREMIER: The READER Act becoming law in Texas Watch the past year’s key events unfold leading to The READER Act becoming law in Texas! Inside the Governor’s Office for the official bill signing Official Statement by Rep. Patterson: “Governor Greg...
by Denton County Republican Party | Jun 9, 2023 | 88th Legislation, Texas State Representative
Texas Senate Refuses To Pass Largest Tax Cut Ever This year, the Texas House passed historic tax cuts only to see the bills wither and die in the Texas Senate. Two of those bills, HB 2 and SB 3, passed during the regular session. HB1 passed during Special Session #1...
by Denton County Republican Party | May 30, 2023 | 88th Legislation, Texas State Representative
Today, I am joining my colleagues in the legislature for an immediate special session to continue the debate on two important topics: Providing property tax relief directly to Texans Stepping up our state’s enforcement effort against human trafficking on the...